Crystals tips


Cristian Maxim 0 Comments

How old are ammonites? The subclass Ammonoidea, a group that is often referred to as ammonites, first appeared about 450 million years ago.Ammonites are an extinct group of marine invertebrate mollusks and are most closely related to modern day nautilus, octopi, and squid. These animals first arose over 400 million years ago...
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15 Protection Crystals Tips

Cristian Maxim 0 Comments

What are crystals? Crystals are naturally occurring solid materials with a regular and repeating internal arrangement of atoms or molecules, forming a distinct geometric pattern. They are formed through a process called crystallization, where atoms or molecules come together and align in an organized manner. Crystals can be found in various minerals,...
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The Power of Chakras: Unleashing Harmony

Cristian Maxim 0 Comments

Understanding the Power of Chakras and Why You Need to Learn More Introduction: This is one of the most valid questions that may arise in your mind. In this article, we will delve into the significance of chakras and why it is essential to deepen your understanding of them. Unlocking the Power...
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Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties

Cristian Maxim 0 Comments

The Allure of Lapis Lazuli: Deep Blue Flecked with Gold Lapis Lazuli, with its deep blue hue flecked with gold, is a captivating gem that resembles the enchanting night sky. Found in various sizes, sometimes tumbled, this crystal may be easily obtained, albeit at a higher cost. Let's explore the captivating qualities...
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Exploring the Healing Properties of Crystals

Cristian Maxim 0 Comments

A Comprehensive Crystals for Healing Guide Precious stones, minerals, and metals have captivated humanity for centuries, not only for their stunning aesthetics but also for their believed therapeutic and cosmetic benefits. Throughout history, civilizations like the Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans attributed healing properties to these natural wonders. Even today, traditional Chinese...
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Magnetic therapy - A few words about

Cristian Maxim 0 Comments

With the decreasing intensity of our planet's magnetic field and the increasing amount of electromagnetic smog, the lack of a magnetic field syndrome appears in organisms. The consequence of these phenomena is the increase in the number of civilization diseases as well as other disorders.Electromagnetic fields cannot be seen, smell, and cannot...
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Healing properties of silver - what is worth knowing?

Cristian Maxim 0 Comments

The Healing Properties of Silver: Unveiling the Hidden Benefits Silver is renowned for its aesthetic appeal as a metal used in jewellery, but its healing properties often go unnoticed. This article explores the lesser-known aspects of silver and its potential positive effects on the human body. Can silver truly possess healing properties?...
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Copper bracelet - health and beauty effects

Cristian Maxim 0 Comments

Introduction For centuries, copper has been revered for its remarkable properties and benefits. Its healing, antibacterial, and antioxidant effects have been acknowledged and embraced by both ancient civilizations and modern science. In this article, we will delve into the advantages of wearing copper magnetic bracelets and how they can enhance your overall...
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How to Get Ahead with Blue Tigers Eye

cristian maxim 0 Comments

Blue Tiger Eye: Empowering Courage, Balance, and Clarity Blue Tiger Eye, a powerful gemstone, provides the courage to step out of the comfort zone and embrace new challenges. Known for its determination and fear-overcoming properties, Tiger's Eye is a valuable companion during crucial moments such as starting a business, exams, performances, or...
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The Power of Red Tiger Eye

Cristian Maxim 0 Comments

Red Tiger Eye is a captivating stone with powerful properties that can enhance various aspects of life. From boosting confidence and motivation to grounding sexual energy and promoting vitality, this stone offers a range of benefits.
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