Introducing ourHome Protection Kit, a comprehensive set designed to cleanse, protect, and infuse your home with positive energy.
This kit is a perfect blend of traditional elements known for their protective and purifying properties.
OurHome Protection Kitincludes:
4 Black Obsidian Tumblestones: Powerful grounding stones that shield against negativity and promote emotional well-being.
1 Palo Santo Stick: Known for its cleansing properties, it helps to clear negative energy and restore tranquility and calm.
1 White Sage Smudge: Used for centuries in purification rituals, it’s perfect for space clearing and energy cleansing.
1 Abalone Shell: A beautiful natural container for burning sage or palo santo, it also carries its own energy of protection and emotional balance.
1 Black Obsidian Pendulum with Chakra Bracelet: A powerful tool for spiritual insight and healing, complemented by a bracelet designed to balance your chakras.
1 Candle: To bring light, warmth, and positive energy into your space.
1 Royal Blue Velvet Pouch: For safe and convenient storage of your kit items.
1 Selenite Stick: Known for its cleansing properties, it’s perfect for energy clearing and charging other crystals.
1 White Feather with Evil Eye Bead and Leather Cord: Used in smudging rituals, with the evil eye bead providing additional protection against harm.
Whether you’re new to energy work or a seasoned practitioner, ourHome Protection Kitoffers everything you need to create a serene, harmonious living space. Experience the difference it can make today!