The Silver Anxiety Bracelet is a powerful piece of jewelry designed to enhance your overall wellbeing.
It features a combination of gemstones that work together to provide various benefits.
Silver Anxiety Bracelet includes Smokey Quartz, a stone that gently neutralizes negative vibrations, detoxifies on all levels, and promotes elimination of the digestive system. It also protects against radiation and electromagnetic smog, while dispersing fear, lifting depression, and bringing emotional calmness to relieve stress and anxiety.
The Red Jasper stone in the bracelet is known for its ability to deepen and strengthen the connection to the earth, grounding one's energy and calming the mind. It helps to remove stress from the body, enhancing vitality, stamina, and endurance. This stone is connected to the sacral and root chakras, promoting overall balance in the body.
Sodalite is another gemstone included in the Silver Anxiety Bracelet. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth, and intuition, while also providing emotional balance and calming panic attacks. Sodalite enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-trust, balancing the metabolism, boosting the immune system, and overcoming calcium deficiencies.
The final gemstone in the bracelet is Silver Quartz, which runs at one of the highest vibrations of all the quartz based families. This crystal helps one access the Akashic records, increases clairvoyance and psychic abilities, and brings clarity and balance into all aspects of life.
Overall, the Silver Anxiety Bracelet is a powerful tool for promoting emotional balance, relieving stress and anxiety, and enhancing overall wellbeing.